Monday, 1 February 2021

The Benefit of Sleep and Memory Processing

 People that have a problem with memory are often those that suffer from sleep deprivation. Of course, not everyone is a sufferer but it can be very dangerous to drive someone who is not well rested to the point where they have accidents and create roadblocks in their life. There is a lot of potential hazard in the driver who is not focused enough on their task, even if only by a small amount.

benefit of sleep

A well-rested person tends to be a more alert, balanced and logical person. The following tips are meant to aid you in achieving a good night's sleep and will increase your well-being. Spend approximately an hour and fifteen minutes each day doing cognitive-behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will increase your brainwaves and even out your natural sleep cycle. There are many different forms of cognitive behavioral therapy and some involve counseling with a qualified professional. The goal is to make you aware of your thoughts and beliefs as well as your reaction to them.

Keeping a healthy complexion will be a big plus factor in having a good night's sleep. The skin reflects what is going on inside of you. Our skin, for example, may be producing excess stress hormones due to our constant activity level or a change in our environment. Sleeping with a nice clean sheet and fresh pillow can help you get a better nights sleep. This simple act will provide you with the extra luxury of a clear skin that can be free of blemishes and rashes.

Sleep consolidation also occurs during different stages of sleep. When you sleep, you go through different stages such as Rapid Declression, Consolidation, Alpha, Beta and Theta. Studies have shown that sleep consolidation occurs during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) when you dream. If you keep a good memory journal, you can monitor when you fall asleep and record the dreams that occurred.

In essence, the more you think about something the more it becomes your active wake up moment and when you sleep, those thoughts are converted to actions which make you do something (such as stirring your legs, drinking water or changing your sheets). The brain works in a similar way. So by observing your sleeping habits and keeping track of your dreams and thoughts, you can begin to understand how it all works together.

Finally, let us touch on the last benefit of sleep and memory processing. Memory consolidation takes place when you go back to sleep and remember certain information. For instance, if you go to bed and read ten pages of a magazine; while you were in a deep sleep, you would probably have trouble remembering those memories. However, when you get out of bed and go back to memory processing, you will retain those memories. Your brain has pathways laid out in front of it that are specifically designed to remember specific information and events.

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